Archives for December 2013

Ben’s Vegas Vacation Day 4: Consequences

December 11th, 2013 by

When you play by Ben’s rules, sometimes things can happen, but I bet you had great time on location! Hopefully he makes it back to the office in one piece.

Ben’s Vegas Vacation (Day 3): Jaywalking on the Speedway

December 11th, 2013 by

Ben loves to be right in the mix of any location we film at. He loves living life in the fast lane! No sidewalk, not an issue for Ben! This […]

Ben’s Vegas Vacation (Day 2): Living on the Edge!

December 11th, 2013 by

Danger Keep off Wall!!! Ben translation: “Please stand on me!” Ben has never been the type that plays it safe. Always looking for an adventure in any corner of the […]

Ben’s Vegas Vacation (Day 1): Viva Las Vegas!

December 10th, 2013 by

And so it begins. Viva Las Vegas! Ben enlists one of our crews in Vegas to show him around the city. Where he ends up, who knows! The only guarantee […]

Failure Isn’t a Dirty Word

December 4th, 2013 by

The word “failure” usually doesn’t evoke a positive reaction from the majority of individuals that have experienced it before. Its negative connotations generally manifest our desire to avoid it at all cost. The fact that we try to avoid failure and the beautiful lessons that can be heeded from the experience can breed redundant shortcomings.

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