Archives for July 2010

Crews Control University

July 27th, 2010 by

Crews Control teams up with the best equipment resellers, manufactures and video production solutions providers for Crews Control University.  Our free classes provide an opportunity for our contacts to discuss video production solutions with their peers and with our experts with a minimum time investment.  The classes are usually 4 hours or less and include lunch…yummy.

Why I love my RedRock Micro DSLR Rig

July 23rd, 2010 by

I’ve been using the RedRock DSLR Field Cinema Deluxe Bundle for both my work and for demonstrating in the Canon DLSR Boot Camps.  This is a shoulder-mount rig that holds allows you to shoot steady video, comes with a follow

Here are 5 reasons I love this rig:

1. Ergonomics – even with a full complement of

Chicago Auto Show Gets a Surprise Visitor

July 15th, 2010 by

As Ben’s final attraction in the “Windy City” he decides to check out the Chicago Auto Show. While there he conducted a few interviews, got some b-roll footage, ate a […]

The Windy City Invites Ben Back

July 15th, 2010 by

So, the last time Ben was in Chicago with the video crew – he was thrown out of the Linkin Park Zoo for taunting the animals. This time he decided to […]

Comparing Usage of The Three D’s In Video Production: SD, HD, 3D

July 8th, 2010 by

I know what you are thinking.   For the love of everything good in this world can we please settle on one format/ one standard and just focus on producing good video again?  You are not alone.  We should count our blessings that we were able to ride the Betacam-SP train and hone our skills as

Web Streaming

July 8th, 2010 by

BitGravity is a Video Delivery Network that allows you to stream live video or watch video on demand.

Case Study:  BitGravity Case Study – CNBC

Video Demo: BitGravity Video Delivery Network

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