Crews Control Call Studio TV


Crews Control CSTV is a fully custom branded virtual studio created to align with your corporate identity and gives you the professional standards expected for live events at the C-Level. Crews Control CSTV brings an unparalleled virtual event experience, including live switching by a professional production team with over 25 years of experience.

Zoom fatigue is real. Crews Control CSTV takes your corporate virtual live events to the next level.

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No additional SaaS required

You and your guests connect to Crews Control CSTV through the main streaming platforms, such as Skype, Teams, Zoom, WebEx, or vMix. There is no additional SaaS or downloads required by your team, eliminating security risks and streamlining ease of use and ease of access for your entire team.

Live Events Reimagined

With virtually no limits, from single stage presenters to panel speaker and moderators, your virtual event can match your presentation style of choice. Integrate videos, interactive motion graphics, lower thirds, and other media elements exactly as you would during an in-person live switched multi-camera event. Let us know if you would like to learn more about how Crews Control CSTV can complement your corporate in-house communications plan and schedule a demo.

Let us know if you would like to learn more about how Crews Control CSTV can complement your corporate in-house communications plan and schedule a demo.

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