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Work with an expert corporate video crew in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Companies around the world are awakening to the competitiveness of corporate video production. With so many businesses creating video content, you need to take all necessary measures to make your offerings stand out. This may mean settling on a specific city where you can reliably capture on-location footage and B-roll. For companies with offices in Saudi Arabia and throughout the Middle East, Jeddah can be that city.

With a warm climate, sunny skies and seaside views, Jeddah is a destination for international tourists and luxury seekers. It’s situated in a desert climate near the Islamic holy city of Mecca and contains both ancient historic remnants and modern attractions. Al-Balad, or Historic Jeddah, dates back over 1,000 years and is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and to the north of the city, you’ll find a picturesque marina for yachts.

Jeddah is a city where well-preserved buildings in centuries-old architectural styles sit a short walk from the site of a Formula 1 Grand Prix. While exploring the contrasts and both ancient and modern landmarks in Jeddah, it’s important to have backup from a crew of professionals who know the area and can guide you to succeed.

Find an experienced crew for your Jeddah video production

Especially for companies based outside of Saudi Arabia, it’s essential to work with locally-versed production experts when filming in and around Jeddah. The official Saudi filming application requires the submitter to have a national address, raising the need for a partner in the country. Furthermore, there are cultural rules and conduct codes to obey — local crews can help brief overseas organizations on the relevant laws.

Crews should also stay aware of the code of “public decency” laws that govern behavior and appearance in Saudi Arabia. It’s important to note that some of the clothing classified as “improper” under these laws would be considered normal elsewhere, especially for women. Skirts above the knee or otherwise revealing clothes could incur fines and penalties. Photography and videography without permission of “people, traffic accidents, crimes or other incidents” is also a fineable offense.

An experienced production partner based within Saudi Arabia can take care of legal preparation and permitting matters while also guiding talent and internal stakeholders to the best filming and B-roll sites in Jeddah. Even advice on smaller elements such as how to dress for the various seasons and the most efficient way to navigate the city can prove pivotal for keeping a production on track.

Crews Control’s teams around the world are experts in the customs, regulations and norms of the regions where they operate. This means your crew in Jeddah will help your professionals quickly acclimate to filming in Saudi Arabia, getting your shoot off to the right start. Combine this local knowledge with a strong grasp on both the creative and technical sides of filmmaking and you can see the value of partnering with Crews Control.

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Our video production services in Jeddah

Today’s corporate videos can serve a variety of roles. You could opt for internal videos that boost your team’s morale and engagement. These include quarterly C-suite messages and training content tailored to your exact needs. Alternatively, you can invest in video marketing — this external content can range from seconds-long social media marketing clips to extended documentaries with Hollywood-level production values.

Working with a skilled video production crew allows you to achieve your precise aesthetic goals, whether you’re aiming for a high degree of polish or a candid, off-the-cuff feel. There is room for each kind of video, and everything in between, in a modern corporate video strategy. The primary objective for your business should be to land on a style that exemplifies your brand values and identity, and a team of professionals can guide you in this effort.

Our video services in Jeddah include:

  • Interviews and B-roll
  • Event coverage
  • Presentations
  • Drone production
  • Animation and motion graphics
  • Motion pictures
  • Live streaming
  • Panel discussion
  • Man on the street interviews
  • Corporate meetings
  • Behind-the-scenes footage
  • Commercials
  • Broadcast television media
  • Employee training materials
  • Sizzle reels
  • Time-lapse videos
  • Happy-face videos
  • Focus group recordings
  • Testimonials
  • Video news releases
  • Documentaries
  • Web conferencing
  • Red carpet coverage
  • Action and sports video
  • Product demonstration clips
  • …and whatever else you can imagine!

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Get to know what it’s like filming corporate video in Jeddah

Whether your company is based in Saudi Arabia or your team is flying in from far away, it’s worth learning about the filming situation in Jeddah before you get started. Knowing the ins and outs of your new filming location can help you make the most of it. You’ll quickly learn facts including:

  • Weather-wise, October-April is the sweet spot: Jeddah’s desert location means hot summers — very hot. From May through September, much of the activity in the city shifts indoors to beat the heat. If you’re focused on outdoor footage, the rest of the year is preferable, with warm but more pleasant and livable temperatures. With that said, this makes Jeddah a top destination for a company from North America or Europe that wants to shoot warm-weather outdoor footage during winter.
  • The marina caters to luxury travelers: If you’re looking for B-roll shots that convey luxury, you can head to the seaside areas, including the yacht marina at the King Abdullah Economic Area north of the city. The boats and turquoise waters are picturesque.
  • Filming the desert is an otherworldly experience: The deserts outside of Jeddah include some of the world’s most unique natural landscapes. The dunes of the Mastoorah Desert can fill an entire frame, providing a truly unique setting for your video.
  • Attaining filming permission means following local laws: To make sure your Jeddah film shoot goes smoothly, you’ll need a primer on all the relevant regulations from your Crews Control experts. For example, the permit application mandates that your production “shall refrain from insulting or offending State figures or policies, or engaging in any political, security, tribal or sectarian issues.”

With the aid of a skilled and experienced Crews Control team, you can achieve your most ambitious corporate video objectives in Jeddah.

Our Jeddah video crews: Experience and gear

How can you be sure your corporate video production will stay on time and under budget? One important way to keep your shoot on track is to work with an experienced, tenured video professional. Crews Control’s directors of photography have each spent over 10 years in the industry, and they put their knowledge to use, making sure unexpected circumstances don’t derail video plans or schedules.

Equipment is another essential part of the equation for a successful video shoot. When teams have access to the latest and greatest gear, on set and in the studio, it’s easier for them to achieve high-quality results. All Crews Control professionals work with advanced technology to empower them at every step of the video production journey. This includes assets from Sony, Panasonic, Canon, JVC, Ikegami, Thompson (Philips), Hibachi, RED and Arriflex.


Check Out Our Extensive Camera List:

  • Silicon Imaging SI-2K
  • Silicon Imaging SI-2K Mini
  • Vision Research Phantom v12.1
  • Vision Research Phantom v640

8K, 4K, UHD & 2k


  • Arriflex ALEXA

AVC Intra (NTSC)


  • Sony HXR-NX5U
  • Canon EOS C100


  • Panasonic AJ-HDX 900


  • Panasonic AJ-HDX900E



  • Panasonic AG-HVX200E
  • Panasonic AG-HPX 171E
  • Panasonic AG-HVX 200E
  • Panasonic AG-HVX 200P


  • Sony PMW EX1
  • Sony PMW EX3
  • Sony PMW-EX1R
  • Sony PXW-X70
  • JVC GY-HM700U
  • Sony PMW 300
  • Sony PMW 320
  • Sony PMW-350
  • Sony PMW 400
  • Sony PMW-F3


  • Sony PDW-F355
  • Sony PDW-F350
  • Sony PDW-F330
  • Sony PDW-700
  • Sony PDW-F800
  • Sony PDW-335


  • Canon EOS C500
  • Canon EOS C300
  • Canon EOS C100

Experienced professionals using high-tech gear are a highly effective combination. When you choose Crews Control as your video production partner in Jeddah, this is what you’ll receive. Request a free quote now!


By pairing expert crews with technologically sophisticated equipment, Crews Control delivers top-quality results for clients every time.


Some of our Happy Clients

No matter where in the world companies are located, there’s a Crews Control team nearby to help them create corporate video content that fits their unique objectives. Over the past 30-plus years, our client list has grown to encompass ambitious, fast-moving startups and household-name corporations alike. Over half of the companies in the Fortune 500 have worked with Crews Control to unlock their corporate video potential. Your shoot in Jeddah could be the next Crews Control success story.


Prepared, Creative, Professional and on the 10 scale an 11

I’ve been producing and directing videos for Broadcast (NBC/ABC/CNN/C-SPAN) and Corporate for over 30 years – and Matthew and Dan were one of the best crews I have EVER worked with.




The footage was well done.

Just got out of the edit. Tim did a great job. Considering the talent we gave him to work with, I would go as far as to say he’s a bit of a magician.

Thanks for the help!



Thanks for the great shoot yesterday.

Everything was great and I wanted to let you know that our Executive Producer said the footage we got from the different regions was the best footage he had ever seen come from remote crews that we didn’t have control over. That is a great compliment coming from him.

I appreciate all your help and look forward to working with you again!
