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Conference Live Streaming: A New Side To Corporate Events

Posted by Ashley Brook on August 24, 2023

A live stream is an added dimension to a corporate event. By either hosting fully virtual online events or turning your in-person conferences into hybrid events, you can welcome in a new larger audience of remote attendees.

Adopting a conference live streaming model is a way to welcome both speakers and guests to your events without the stress and expense of travel. Whether the ideal attendee profile for your virtual event includes customers, employees or other members of your industry, using a live streaming platform lets you expand your live event’s footprint.

These live streams can cover any topic, and any corporate event or session is a candidate to go online. Constant Contact recommends using live video for panel discussions, product launches, interviews, tutorials and more.

While virtual event production via video stream is a valuable approach, it isn’t an automatic guarantee of success. Getting this process right depends on a combination of technology and event organizer know-how. This means you’ll have to apply extra effort, but the results are worth it.

Brush up on some tips for maximizing your live streamed event’s effectiveness.

Creating reliable conference live streams

The virtual event industry recently experienced a trial by fire. Amid widespread closures due to COVID-19, companies turned to a live streaming conference model as the default way to engage with their audiences. During that period, businesspeople across industries became accustomed to participating in online events and companies built infrastructure to accommodate live streams, fully normalizing virtual conferences.

Amid this technological evolution, Allied Market Research pointed to new tech requirements for successful events. In an era before live streaming, any venue with audio-visual technology for presentations could potentially be a viable place to host a gathering. Now, the list of necessary tech tools has evolved to include more powerful projectors and computers, along with solid video conferencing infrastructure.

A combination of a reliable wired internet connection with high-quality cameras and microphones can help you find a new level of success for your organization’s next hybrid event or virtual conference. When you start streaming, you’ll also need to make sure your event plan includes an appropriate number of staff members for the size and sophistication of your event.

While a virtual event live broadcast may call for just two crew members — one on audio and one handling video — requirements increase for hybrid conferences, especially if there will be multiple cameras in operation filming presenters for the benefit of virtual attendees.

See the kind of gear an expert crew can bring to your next live event.

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Advanced live conference streaming techniques: Virtual studios and more

The closures of 2020 brought live streaming events firmly into the mainstream, but this change also brought on an unintended side effect — Zoom fatigue. When every live conference is held virtually, and so many of them use the same basic video conferencing presentation style, people tend to become tired of watching live streams.

The way to fight back against this disengagement and boost the attendee experience is to ensure your virtual or hybrid event video stream looks different from broadcasts that just resemble a Zoom meeting. Instead, you can adopt virtual studio technology, making your live video look more professional and branded.

By adding visual effects, lower thirds and interactive media elements, a virtual studio can transform the way your live broadcast looks. Viewers of these streams will realize immediately what company they’re interacting with, and understand that effort went into the event organization process.

Check out the possibilities that come with using a virtual studio for your next live event.

Enter an era of effective event streams

Getting the most out of your live streaming events and related projects is easier when you have expert assistance. The same model that can deliver value in other aspects of video production — teaming up with an experienced video production team — can also provide a high-quality online event experience.

Building out an internal video department within your organization comes with costs, as you’ll have to add full-time salaries and purchase equipment out of pocket. An alliance with an expert video production organization allows you to strategically add the skills and gear you need at times when they’re relevant, such as when you need to launch a live streaming solution.

Creating professional-grade live streaming content can be a valuable decision both immediately and in the long term. These virtual or hybrid events allow you and your live conference participants to engage directly with a larger audience in a cost-effective way. Over the months to come, you can release video content from the streaming conferences, either as free social media videos to inform curious viewers or gated assets to forge a deeper connection with customers.

Download our latest eBook to learn top strategies for integrating video into your corporate events of all kinds and start streaming with confidence.

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