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Best Practices for a Corporate Video Production Department To Market Itself Internally
You would think after you get your video department set up and have a payment method in place, that you wouldn’t have to sell your services to other members of your own company. But often video departments find themselves under-utilized by some departments. Here’s how to get yourself out there and make sure everyone in your company is coming to see you for their video needs.
Be Available
One aspect of video work that never changes is a need to be on top of the phone. Strive to be available and to return phone calls and emails as quickly as possible. It’s not just good office etiquette, it allows you to firm up projects that departments might be uncertain about.
Build A YouTube Channel
For any public video efforts, be sure you have a YouTube channel officially collecting your videos in one place. Like any YouTube channel, make a point of having eye-catching content and update as regularly as you can; have a custom banner, add detailed descriptions and information, and so on. It’s not only good SEO for any video you put together to draw eyeballs, it makes your videos internal marketing tools to get word about your department out there.
Email Out Every Project
Whenever you finish a major project, make a point of getting it out there. Send it out to the entire company list, and spend a little time on the email; explain what the project was, how you executed it, and why it’s important. Don’t be shy about bragging a little about your achievements. True, like any company-wide email, not everybody is going to look at the video … but those who do offer a valuable opportunity to explain the value of your services and bring in more internal clients.

Humble can co-exist with proud.
Use The Company Intranet
If your company has an intranet, after the end of every production, take a few minutes to write up a brief, fun recap of every production you work on, including photos, videos, and other visual elements as you put them together. Similarly, make a point of building out your intranet site to include equipment lists, video policies, employee bios, and contact information. Make a point of allowing anybody who visits the site to know exactly who you are, what you do, and how they can work with the video department.
Follow Up With Clients
Just like in freelancing, it never hurts to follow up with people you’ve worked with before and ask them what needs they might have in the coming quarter. This is especially important if you know they’ve got an upcoming campaign or other needs they’re thinking about; one of the fundamental issues any video department runs into a little too often is a lack of awareness. Even people you’ve worked with tend to forget there’s a video department they can use to build up their campaigns, create safety videos, and otherwise bolster their department. A simple phone call can often nudge them to ask you about what you can do for them.
Remember, marketing yourself is all about raising awareness. Take pride in what you accomplish, let the whole company know about it, and soon you’ll have plenty of projects to keep your department busy.
Ready to take your in-house video product to the next level? Contact us to find the best crew for your video.
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