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Our PAWesome Team: A Crews Control Dog Takeover

For those who were aware of an unexpected Dog Takeover last Friday on our website and social media, we would like to apologize. Sometimes our furry friends get a little carried away. In case you missed it, allow our dogs to introduce themselves.
Meet the Talented Tails Underneath the Desk of the Crew Behind the Crews
It’s been a ruff week, so we’re keeping our moms off the computer for the day and taking over! Sorry for the inter–PUP–tion, but you always get their undivided attention. Now it’s our turn! They work so hard and deserve some R&R. While we know they are grrr–eat at multitasking, we are demanding less work and more belly rubs! It’s going to be nothing but long walks, fetch and lots of treats! We hope you don’t mind a little kibble or slobber on your work orders today.
Congratulations… your shoots are in the right paws!
And don’t worry. The pups are here for all your production needs! Just keep the squirrels and vacuum cleaners to a minimum, and everything will be pawsitively wonderful. Our moms are the best, but people always forget we’re usually right there with them! Whether we’re guarding the house or snoozing under their desks, we love our moms and we love to see them work their production magic. And that is something to wag your tail at.
Leo “Kiss” Keating: FounDOG & CEO

Leo is a rescue roadie! He is always up for a ride to the park, the beach or the carwash. He is known for terrorizing any squirrel that crosses his path, but if you’re a horse, he may confuse you for a big dog. Leo has a fear of water but loves when his dog food is topped with the finest Reddi Whip …’cause every day is his birthday! Our team loves having Leo as our FounDOG and CEO!
Bella Kittridge: Senior Vice President of SCRATCHegy & PAWtnerships

Bella is a squirrel assassin after having successfully rid the world of one squirrel last summer, which makes her a really scary boss. (Bella one, Squirrel zero). She likes giving immediate feedback and will typically listen in on all Zoom calls, providing input on Mom’s work (snoring = boring). She hangs out with a pretty rowdy Crew – Sam the Sloth, Ricky Raccoon and Sam the Seal, along with Dino the Dinosaur. Her favorite lunch time snack is her Peanut Butter Buddy cookies.
GiGi Monaco: Vice President of PAWperations

Gigi is the BOSS of her Yorkie dog siblings, Scooby and Max. Attention to detail is a must and she will rarely let anything slide…past the window that is, as she notices anything and everything outside! While glued to her side 24/7, her mom doesn’t know if she is extremely loyal, or just has separation anxiety, but Gigi makes up for that with her feisty yet snuggly side. However, don’t get near her with any plastic bags! That is her one big fear and a huge reason she and her mom are proponents of no more plastic grocery bags.
BB Brook: Vice President of PAWduction

Often referred to as “The Beebs”, our VP of Pawduction is a loud and proud guard dog anytime another dog or the UPS truck passes the house. An independent girl who loves to kick back and rip apart a “White Paw” after an exhausting day of rolling around in some dead grass, BB is loved by every person she meets and a critical member to the team.
Pugsly Nicharot: PAWduction Mana-grrrr

What makes the PAWfect dog? Friendly to humans and/or fellow dog, sweet as pie, and a little silly, but in the most enduring way. A dog who loves to take her human on walks, play fetch with a tennis ball and snuggle on the couch after a long day of booking shoots with Mom. All of this adds up to the ideal canine companion, but bonus points if it’s all wrapped up in the small, sprite-like size of a pug.
*Deb is currently scouting for the perfect furry companion at the moment.
Schroeder “The Shrewd” Camper: PAWduction Mana-grrrr

Schroeder is a sweet-barking, treat-eating, sun-worshiping, extraordinaire. Not a walk goes by without a treat to be had, and he won’t leave you alone with his puppy dog eyes until he gets one. Tummy rubs are a must, and you’ll know when he’ll want one (when he turns on his side of course!) He’s an excellent watch-dog, when fully awake, though mainly when it comes to deer, birds, or squirrels. He loves to be held, but you might get some side-growl if you put him down before he’s ready.
Piper Allen: PAWduction Mana-grrrr

Our tennis ball queen loves a rousing game of fetch after a long day of snuggling with the finest pillows in the house. When she is not taking her human on long runs in preparation for her upcoming Paris Marathon, Piper can be found playing the ‘little sister’ role a little too well with her twin brother, Charlie.
Pepper Moseman: DigiTAIL & Marketing ConTREATs Mana-grrr

Pepper Moseman has a knack for attention to detail here at CC, especially when noticing someone putting on running shoes. Pepper will bark endlessly because she thinks running shoes = a W-A-L-K, and boy, is she persistent. But don’t worry! Her bark is worse than her bite. When she is not begging for a W-A-L-K or stretching out on the couch, she can be found doing ‘zoomies’ in the backyard or ripping apart her favorite toy – Porkchop – the stuffed llama.
Mocha Lovend: TREATS Administrator: ReceivaBALLS & PLAYables

Mocha is a quiet, serious little worker but he knows when it’s quitting time and when it’s dinner time. Clearly, he takes his role at our company very seriously! His hobbies include jumping and barking at any moving vehicle that pulls a trailer during his daily walks. He loves to compete with firetruck and ambulance sirens by howling along with them. His biggest dream came true recently when he got to become a “firetruck puppy”. You should see the pictures!
Millie Meyd: PAWperations & Marketing Coor-dog-inator

Don’t let this gal’s cute looks fool you. She may be a gentle, scaredy ~dog~ but is still mischievous at heart. Often referred to as ‘Millie Monster’, she loves stealing things that aren’t hers, just to get chased around the house. It’s always snack time for her in the office and she probably won’t stop pawing you until you stop working and make her sit for a cookie. Millie’s favorite pastimes include waking up from a dead sleep when the peanut butter jar is opened and barking at nothing in the backyard, so the neighbors know she’s out there. At the end of the day, though, this girl just wants to lay in her mom’s lap…despite not being a lap dog.
Charlie Wynne: Assistant PAWduction Mana-grrr

The newest pooch to the Crews Control team! Charlie is a dog of many trades. Mr. “If I fits, I Sits” works with his twin sister, Piper, on the reg and loves to take his owners for walks, daily. Keep a close eye on him, or he may dig himself into a hole in the backyard!
Thanks for following along on our PAW-ffice takeover. We had a wagging good time! CC is now back to regularly scheduled content. If you have a shoot coming up, our moms can help! Fill out our free quote form here.
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