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Skills Film and Video Editors Need for Brand Filmmaking
Learn about the skills that film and video editors need, along with the reasons why your brand should use professional video creators.
'6 Things to Do and Know Before You Hire a Camera Crew'
'Before you hire a camera crew, there are some important things you will want to do before you sign any paperwork or pay any deposit. Shooting a video can be […]'
Read more...'7 Tips for Hiring a Camera Crew'
'In this blog, we will talk about some very valuable tips when hiring a camera crew for your next video project. Below, are seven things that you should do before […]'
Read more...'Video Shoot Locations NYC: 6 Famous Places'
'The abundance of eclectic, vivid, evocative, and historic video shooting sites in New York City is unparalleled, as these six famous film and TV locations exemplify. 1. The Plaza Hotel […]'
Read more...'The Flatiron Building: An Iconic Video Location in New York'
'In several of our articles, we have covered many different places for camera crews to shoot their videos. We have detailed quite a few breathtaking video shoot locations across the […]'
Read more...'Corporate Video Podcasts: The New Face (and Voice) of Corporate Communications'
'At a time when corporate messing is at risk of being drowned out by too much video content circulating across channels in the remote workforce, video leaders need a medium […]'